Fosters Save Lives!
Are you ready to be a beacon of hope for dogs in need? Allow us to walk you through the fostering process.
What is Fostering?
Fostering means opening your home and heart to a dog, providing them with a nurturing environment until they find their forever home. While we can't specify exactly how long a foster dog will stay with you, our goal is to place them in their forever homes as quickly as possible. Your foster dogs need to be seen to be adopted, the most successful fosters are those that showcase their foster dogs, bringing them out in public and sharing them on your social media will raise awareness about your foster.
Before applying to foster with US Dog Coalition & Rescue, please carefully consider your decision. If you cannot commit to caring for the dogs until they are adopted, please reconsider applying. We aim to minimize unnecessary transitions for these dogs, many of whom have already faced significant challenges.
Beyond traditional fostering, we welcome short-term or "field trip" fosters.
These heroes step in when regular fosters have scheduled vacations, work commitments, or emergencies, providing care for a day, a weekend, or even a week or two. These short breaks relieve our dedicated fosters, granting them a well-deserved weekend off.
If this resonates with you, take the next step by heading to our foster application and applying today.
Foster FAQ's
Who Can Foster?
Anyone over 23 with room in their heart and home can foster. Before you begin, please check with your landlord and ensure your current pets are up to date on vaccinations. Remember, parasites like hookworms are highly contagious, so it's essential that your dogs are on preventatives to avoid any health issues.
Do I Need to Buy Supplies?
No, US Dog Coalition & Rescue will provide everything you need, even though we sincerely appreciate it if our fosters purchase food for their foster pups.
How Much Space Do I Need?
Space requirements vary based on the type of animal you foster. In general, fostering doesn't demand much space – a crate and room for the dog to play will suffice. A fenced-in yard is not mandatory.
How Much Time Do I Need?
The time commitment varies depending on the animal's age. Puppies need more supervision, while adult dogs can be left alone for longer periods. Basic training, outdoor play, walks, and vet visits are essential.
I'm New to Fostering – Will I Be Supported?
Absolutely! We're here to support you every step of the way, offering guidance and assistance.
Ready to Foster? How to Get Started
Embarking on your fostering journey is simple. Just complete our foster application here: Foster Application.
Volunteering as a foster parent is an immensely rewarding experience that truly saves lives. Join us today and leave a lasting impact on the lives of dogs in need. 🐾❤️